Gregorio Convertino works as UX Design manager at Cloudera. He is passionate about improving and innovating the design of enterprise software. Since 2013, he has managed UX designers and researchers at Informatica and Cloudera in California (i.e., software companies for big data, machine learning, data analytics, and data governance). Earlier he worked for 5-6 years as researcher scientist at Xerox PARC (USA) and Xerox Europe (France) doing research on software tools for knowledge sharing. During two brief intervals away from industry he taught Human-Computer Interaction courses at Penn State, in USA, and the University of Trento, in Italy. Thanks to a Fulbright Fellowship, in 2008 he completed is Ph.D. in Human Computer Interaction with Drs. J.M. Carroll and M.B. Rosson at Penn State (USA). With them he investigated novel methods to support common ground in collaborative software. He has a prior Master’s degree in Psychology from La Sapienza of Rome (Italy), where he also studied Computer Science.