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Sandheep S

Sandheep S

Co-Founder & Lead Experience Designer at MoonProduct, India


Sandheep is a Human Experience Designer who believes that intersection of human biology, neuroscience and psychology with design can make experiences more impactful. Currently, he heads the design team and is a part of the founding team of MoonProduct, an early stage startup where he and his team are endeavouring to make human-to-human relationships more natural and
intimate in the evolving digital world. He is also doing his Masters in Psychology as distance education. Formerly, he worked in a healthcare start-up as a User Experience Designer and had co-founded a design & merchandise company, I’mposter during his college days.

The Human Mind and Language: Understanding Us to Design Better

3 hrs Workshop (Half Day hands on) | Category: Raising the game (Inspiring stories, case studies, etc) | Target Audience: Folks with some UX Design experience will benefit. Especially, those who are pondering on emotion and design as well as writing and design will benefit.

In this workshop, I and Sandheep will show:

  1. How do we internally represent our experience of the world?
  2. What role does values, needs and beliefs plays in that representation?
  3. How do the above relate to generation of emotions and feelings?
  4. What role does language play in both identifying internal representation as well as communicating effectively with user?

Studying three user interfaces, we will show what user needs/values/emotions are met and what is missed in the process. Further, we will analyse existing language in the interfaces and show the role of language in user experience.

Rough outline of your workshop:

How do we experience the world? (20% hands-on activity)

  1. Perception and the filters.
  2. Storage processes.

Needs, Values, Beliefs and Design-Thinking (30% hands-on activity)

  1. What are needs? The different types of needs. How are they fulfilled?
  2. What are values? Different types of values. How do we use them?
  3. What are Beliefs? How are they created? How does it impact the user experience of a product?

Emotions, feelings and structure of brain (30% hands-on activity)

  1. The different parts of the brain and how emotions are produced.
  2. Difference between emotions and feelings.
  3. How do emotions play a role in user experience of a product?

Language (50% hands-on activity)

  1. How language is produced? Syntactics and semantics.
  2. Deep and surface structure -Identifying internal representation through language.
  3. How to write brain-effectively.

Three key takeaways:

  1. The role of brain must be considered in UX Design.
  2. Emotions are the result of series of mental processes.
  3. Language is the doorway to human mind.

Also check Co-presenter’s details

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